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Arthur William Kernaghan Currie

Arthur William Kernaghan Currie


March 2023

We can't merge the World Together for You.
We can merge You with the World forever.
The World was better for You being in it.

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Comments (6)

Mar 18, 2023

Wow, this is just beautiful just as Arthur both inside and out. Now you have all of space to run riot, make a mess and cause mischief ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Mar 18, 2023

Wot an amazing tribute, to a an amazing young man, who battled amazingly with courage and bravery, Your nana talked about you all the time, how we got you your macaroons, that you loved, and we sent you some pennies, which we heard you was so happy with. Be at peace know young man enjoy space, and watch over your amazing family, who adored you. Enjoy space you little spaceman, you were so loved.All our love jt xxx


Mar 17, 2023

Well Arthur you didn’t sleep walk through life did you you blazed a trail brighter then any other before you something most people could never do. You are missed and you will never be forgotten

love you lots and always

uncle Tony and Sarah ❤️❤️❤️


Mar 17, 2023

Awwww so touching and beautiful we love you Arthur San & pat xxxx


Mar 17, 2023

My beautiful grandson too good for this world. He will always be with us xxxxx


Mar 17, 2023

For our son.

Your new adventure is one of amazement, full of inconceivable wonders. Grace that infinite with everything you were.

You are free!

Part of the splendid unknown.

Our dear boy, you were an amazing superhuman. The universe is you and you are it. You had an energy that is still indescribable.

We were over blessed to have you in our life. Our son. Our true hero. changed us! Made us! You gave us power! A true power, unseen by so many. The world missed out on something fascinating and marvelous when you were taken from us. We and a few others, saw you shine brightly! We saw something we can only describe in such mediocre words, magical and awe inspiring. You gifted us a special vision. Our eyes forever opened to see it in others too. A world beneath a world, that proves humans have something.. a potential an ability we are not yet able to handle or refuse to accept. A special type of energy, that has walked with us since our beginning. Because of you, our beautiful boy... We can see that indescribable energy within others. The stars that are here with us. The over perfect ones. The truly selfless ones. The courageous and brave. The ones who seem to take the suffering of the world for no reason. The absolute innocence. The ones who change. The ones that find joy in the world, others can no longer see. The true spirit of humanity. May that vision you have gifted us, never dull or dim. You are limitless now. Bound to no place, thing or time. Become everything our precious son. Nothing is impossible or unfeasible anymore for you! May that greatness, that kindness you were filled with land everywhere and on everyone.

Let that stardust of yours. Somehow help turn all those cold hearts you had to endure to warm and caring ones. Bring a little ray of hope to those who lost it.

May those tiny fragments of your existence cause a chain of events... Help change the deceitful to genuine. The selfish in to selfless. Help people raise their voice for those unable to speak. Give strength to those who seek fair justice.

May your very essence make that little tiny difference to the world. Even if we do not / can not see it yet.

Give others a glimpse of that magnificent urge you had. To bring every living thing, along with the weird and wonderful you adored, together as one big family.

Let the winds take you to places we can only dream of. We shall always love the rain! Now more than ever.

Never will we have to wonder where you are... You will be everywhere! Before us. We were honoured to be Your Momma Forevermore. Your Daddy Eternally. Your little Sister Always.

We will never stop loving who you were and what you are now.

Thank you Aura Flights. Hopefully not your cheekiest passenger.

You made a promise come true.


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